Sunday 18 October 2015

Be aweare

Sunday 20 September 2015


Saturday 11 July 2015

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot: Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I...

Wednesday 8 July 2015

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot: Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I...

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot: Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I...

Auto pilot

Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I always go to sleep on a positive and I encourage my children to do the same so the last thing you think as you difft to sleep is a sense of OK and feel good , its helped for a good nights sleep all round . but it was when I was falling to sleep an angel said the words autopilot!! I asked for guidance on this but deep down inside I knew what the angel sent , I had spent the day on autopilot just doing not really thinking about things not experiencing the day  so in my 5 mins today I tried to go over yesterday what happened what did I miss out on  well lots as it happened  youngest going on the potty for the first time Harrison getting a truly outstanding school report , grace making cakes at play group all them things and more I sized through because I was so busy. But all them experiences that moment in time has know gone .  my angel was reminding me to Savior lives experience's because there one offs never to be repeated so enjoy breath it in tell those around you how they made you feel and as some who has only had the all clear on the cancer front for the last 4 months don't miss a thing you never know .. We need sometimes to go back to basics enjoying the more simple things in life  so ask your self what makes you happy what gives you joy we all need to look after ourselves physically, emotionally and  spiritually  the very best way I have found to connect all 3 is go back to nature  walk feel the outside the weather smell touch talk to your family all just be with each other or if you want alone for you time plant a little flower watch it grow talk to it feed it , now I know I am sounding all hippy here but the truth is they were on to something did you ever see an unhappy hippy 😊  its so hard to strike a balance and its the one thing we all try and do but getting your self run down is not the answer I always say to my lot happy mummy happy kiddies. be kind to your self we are all worth a pat on the back ask your angels for guidance remember they are  just waiting for you   so again I ask the angels for a card for you all and the card find your blessings in your situation comes up I love it when the connection is so strong we still have our doing energy that's moving into positive assertiveness so be strong and true do you need to speak your mind or get your point of view across ask archangel Michael for his truth and courage may you all have blessing love and light and again Thank You 😇😇😇

Tuesday 7 July 2015

angel mindfullness: Thank you

angel mindfullness: Thank you: Love blogging and sharing my angel experience's and work so thank you for reading and taking the time ������

Thank you

Love blogging and sharing my angel experience's and work so thank you for reading and taking the time 😇😇💖

Sunday 5 July 2015

Never judge a book by it's cover

Well I haven't had a little rant for a while but something really both surprised me and disappointed me at the same time. I was told I didn't look like the type of lady to give angel readings let alone work with them , so what I thought am I mentioned to look like , the client went on to say he expected me to give a reading dressed in a long wavy skirt hoopy earings well I didn't know if I was angry or found it funny but the way I looked directly impacted on if he thought I was genuine or not. Just to put you in the picture I was wearing smart trousers and a top but it did get me thinking what do we expect people to look like  I was always thought never to judge a book by it's cover but do we really do that ,  I went on to give my reading and  the client told me he was so happy and pleased with the reading but still questioned the way I looked to the gift I have  so I also learnt  people  do judge on dress , money , were you live everything none of us like to be judged so don't do the judging , today with this in mind I popped into town early in the door way was an elderly gentleman who was homeless in that second the words don't judge was given to me , I had a chat with the gentleman he had,had a home family and lost it all  I brought the gentleman breakfast. Lesson learnt.   I have been asked about guardian angels  an angel is given to us on the date of our birth this angel is with you on your life jounery gently guiding  if you want to call in your guardian angel say your full name and date of birth  look for the signs given after don't get caught up if it doesn't work straight away it will relax give it time and be ready to receive also allow yourself to receive . last time I talked about this strong female energy and the doing feeling  I did a small mediation on today's blog  the message was. Be happy now don't wait for a right time to start be happy now find the positive and build on it ask the angels to help you to either move on but it is so true money can't buy you happiness be happy find the good if you can't find it crate it  we still have the doing busy energy so let's work on that be strong and be true may you all have blessings and thank you for reading my friends 😇😇

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Wow did you see that

I've had some amazing personall experiences this week beautiful colours every so often seeing arch's of colours . when I've been working or asking for guidance I've had these flashes of colours so I've started to work with these colours and I am learning that when I am asking arch angel Michael for guidance the arch goes blue into dark blue and after  short mediations I am understanding the colours come before the angel vist its like they come through the colours its truly amazing and has given me a stronger connection and I feel so humbled and a new drive to help others .  I also love reading all about other people's spiritual experience's I've been reading lots of bloggs and there seems to be more and more deep personal experiences happening all over the world a real move towards a new way of living life or just going back to a more simple time remember all things happen for a reason . thinking positive is not always easy and negative thoughts slip to easy into our lives but I have a little trick that I try to do I have my compassionate other , my little angel I ask when I need to make a decision you can chose who ever you what as your compassionate other but you know me and angels , ask your other what advice would you give yourself be kind to your self your stronger than you think  be kinder to your self give yourself kind words kind love .  I have drawn the peace card so many times this wîeek choosing a peace way of living and detaching from unnecessary drama  we are still in a busy doing energy so make and do this week   I would just like to say a heart felt rest in peace to all those that have  suffered from atrocities this week .. As always my dear friends thank you for reading light love and blessings be with you and your families 😇😇😇

Sunday 28 June 2015

Knowing what's right

We are all so different like I said before  what's right for me and my soul may not be right for you and that's OK ! Angels give me peace ,strength and a inner wisdom but you will know when you have found what you soul needs when you have a thirst for knowledge. When I was younger I read so many angel books found that angels are in most religious beliefs and many others in fact angels are one of the few things we all have in comman and go as far back as the earliest texts and paintings I truly couldn't get enough it felt like I  needed to know and it felt completely natural to me , so when you find something what ever it is that makes you feel  complete have the courage and strength to stay with it .   when I was doing readings for myself and family over 12 months ago I kept pulling out  writing cards which at the time made me giggle because it was something I never thought of doing  putting pen to paper and writing about my angel work but as always they had a plan for me I had a new born and a toddler and going out to work was getting harder to guggle  so I  went back over the work I had done and started to share it by blogg in April this year and not only have I enjoyed it I ve met some truly fantastic people on the way so once again thank you for reading and it still blows me away that people all over the world can read this  so my tablet has become my new spiritual tool . I hope to reach as many people as I can and empower and help people to  be true to self because when you are there is a inner peace you just can't buy !!   I felt the energy go from the harsh prickly to a feeling of doing a positive more up bet energy so I have done a small reading and we have a strong female energy this week so ladies it's your time to come forward  be in touch with the females of your family stand a little taller this week and pass on the  love by way of simple acts of kindness  I hope I find you all well light and love to you all. I have put up two pictures of myself doing readings  a kind gentleman took the photographs for me using a aura camera  please take a look   thank you for reading. Xx 😇😇

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Well I had to smile

Once again my friends thank you for reading , I must start with telling you about my ten year old Harrison he sees things as they are no grey black or white , he was talking in his class about the different jobs each mum does  after some time Harrison says to his teacher well miss when my mum isn't making cakes she's talking to angels and sometimes dead people oh out the mouth of babes  but its so lovely to he is proud of his mum      I would like to remind us all of the importance of clean and cleanse not only for self but for our home or workplace the old saying is very true about brushing away cobwebs so give every were a good clean clear out negatively from your home open windows and doors bring in clean air clear out the old let's face if you've not used it in a year your never going to . bring in positive things flowers plants uplifting photographs or paintings .I put positive messages on my kitchen wall to give me a boost remember positive vibes can't get in if there's no room I say this because I have felt a strong shift in energy this week gone is the harsh fog like energy I felt its been replaced by a sense of doing busyness and productivity there are lots of different ways people connect with angels or spirit I lead a very busy life I have never had the time to be completely devoted to one practice many angel workers I know have small angel altars some spend hours in mediations even now I am writing this I have a cake ready to ice a 3 and 2 year old playing in the sand pit and I am watching the time cuz the boy finishes football soon so the angles know , understand and give me what I need as I am writing  but once again its what works for you  there are many psychic tools and who's to say what works or what's right as long as you are truthful to self and others and say strong to your beliefs it what makes us , us    I wanted to  ask the angles for a little guideness for the next few days for all of us  and the flow of prosperity keeps a coming so weather it's new jobs pay rises or that chance of earning a little more. Buying and selling houses  so as always dear friend blessings to you all be strong and be true 😇

Sunday 21 June 2015

What works for you

Thank you again friends for the reads and kind comments x I have read so many interesting bloggs and Google profiles and I've learnt so very much their are some truly inspirational people out there . I have also understood so many different things make so many different people happy and that's one of the most precious things.  Happiness. We all have choices regarding how we lead our lives and we we post our thoughts  what we believe in our hopes and in many cases our fears all here on bloggs and profiles and in the most I have read nothing but positive , supportive  comments back  now I am sure I am not the only one who wishes the world out side this little hub of ours could be the same. I know there is a very dark side to the internet but only if you make the choice to go there  so to me the whole Google internet thing has gone from trying to find a fact for the kids home work to a place were I can talk to like minded people with respect and understanding and learn .     angles  have been working over time in our house over the last few weeks from asking for protection to car parking and never once have I felt alone and I have been delighted to hear  a friend has experienced angel help for the first time , angels appear in so many different religious beliefs guiding helping so many across the world and angels are timeless and they will go on . I have a particular interest in the dead sea scrolls in these scrolls there is a recalling of angels in the deserts guiding people from harm I am going to look into this more it holds some thing with me I can't quiet explain . so I hope I find you all well friends love and light. Happy father's day and summer solstice 😇

Thursday 18 June 2015

Under attack

Firstly thank you all for the likes reads and comments they are greatly appreciated x. Strange things have been happening even for my house hold I have truly felt under attack its hard to put into words but I have had no energy at all then a tummy bug lots of problems with my step kids and a very prickly feeling to everything nothing seemed to fit  then the other night a gentle firm hand touched my husband on the shoulder waking from his sleep he looked and I was asleep  he told me he had a sense of calm and ease . he told me all about it in the morning  we quietly and calmly dealt with the following day slowly and with a powerful calm then our angel came to both of us she is over six ft with white wings she hovers about a foot of the floor she has no feet but when she comes you can feel such a force its amazing I have felt better and more in control and again the angles cleared negative energy and cleared a path for us  so call on angels friends x some one asked me about angelhierarchy and about names and different relems  in which they work but even though I have read up on this in the many angel  books. I have just trusted that I have been given a gift and the angel to help or  guide me when I need it is there I have given so many suitations in  in my life to angels and never been let down I have asked my mum about this to she's told me the same she's just given what's needed at that time and as I am now forth generation angel worker that's  OK by me light and love friends and as we are in the week of father's day and summer solstice blessings 😇

Sunday 14 June 2015

Time for a rant

As I have now been blogging for nearly 3 months I have done lots of research online about angel workers and spiritual workers while it is a joy to read about the many genuine and truly gifted workers out there I was sad and very much angered by the amount of people praying on vunrable unhappy or lost souls. I came across a lady asking for bank account details and she will connect with your loved ones I couldn't get my head around it the more I looked the worse it got .we all have to make a living in this world and a fair price for a genuine service is great but never give anyone more than you think is fair rant number 2    no one can give you the gift of speaking with angels it comes from the angels and only angels no amount of so called  courses  at top dollar prices will give it to you . I would love to be a world super hero with super strength but no online course is going to make that happen no matter how much money I throw at it  also I have no certificate or any peice of paper to say I can talk with angels I  have clients thanks  angles will give you signs love and guidance when it is right remember angels givey what you need not always what you want and as the angels gave me my  gifts they can take them to. I am sorry this is not the most eloquence of bloggs but I truly feel so passionate about this    so yes I charge £30for a reading and consultants are based on clients needs   I have had so many amazing likes comments and adds from you all I thank you for your time light and blessings friends  xx✨✨

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Before the end of the day

I can not escape the fact that the energy has been so harsh for so many sensitive people I have worked with such a lot of people that can not seem to detach from drama and confrontations even if they have not made a situation they are drawn into one. Then you are putting out into the universe all your anxiety and dread so the law of attraction gives us more of the same  in evey situation good,, bad ,happy ,sad their is always a positive no matter how small  or insignificant it may seem at the time its  their try to focus on that positive ask the angels to guide you towards the positive of the day or a situation you find your self in. As a big family we have lots of things going on big and small at night before I sleep the last thoughts I try to put out are the good things that happened in that day.    Son 1 is working. Son 2 is taking his football ref exam  son 3 is having a happy day  daughter 1 has been dry and daughter 2 has managed to not throw her dinner at her dads head which is always a bonus . I am half way through blogging without running up stairs to sort out said kids little positive bits leads to more so what was yours today , ask your angels for help remember each drama is also a lesson learn from them make your self strong with knowledge and experience   when we get stressed and anxious it can manifest in physical symptoms aches pain  tummy problems don't hold on to it what's done is done .it took me years to come to terms with this but its  healthier. I ask angels for help with the every day it good to know  that I have them to call on. The candle flame breathing also has helped lots of people when you get stressed picture a candle flame  breath and slow your breathing down until the flame flickers but doesn't go out x I hope  I find you all well light and love friends x

Tuesday 9 June 2015

angel mindfullness: Listen to your little voice

angel mindfullness: Listen to your little voice: I have had so much happen in my family this week its been truly maniac and I have needed so much help and surport not a lot has gone to plan...

Sunday 7 June 2015

Listen to your little voice

I have had so much happen in my family this week its been truly maniac and I have needed so much help and surport not a lot has gone to plan and the more I have tried the more it's gone wrong but in all the chaos of kids and going to appointments all week on Saturday tensions were really rising I could feel the energy becoming to  harsh and as we were heading off that night to a very special family party I knew I needed to stop and call in angel help and guidance but as soon as I am thinking this another family emergency happens and in the middle of it all I suddenly felt     stop.  Stop the feeling was so strong I couldn't carry on  I stopped and listened the angels told me to focus slow down and look the message was so clear and so right and true I was running around not focusing on what needed to be done later that night I was getting ready for the party when I laughed to my self how many times have I told clients to stop listen slow down I had not listened to that little voice all week  kept on going until to be honest  I got what felt like a telling off. I must remember to practice what I preach . the family party was great meeting my husband's family from Texas and Florida .. Saying no is also OK there has been lots of energy vampires laterly those people who when your around them you can feel your energy levels drain away you  leave with no energy and they are full  and can't wait to see you again I think we all have people like that at some stage in our lives so remember your protection their are different energy vampires love those who keep you in a abusive relationship power vampires those that belittle you constantly and fear those that say be with me or else .  I will have a calling in of angel help and guidance  before the week so I hope I find you all well love to  love to you all and be true to your self and your belief xxx

Wednesday 3 June 2015


Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog.  I hope you are all well we have all  had some very harsh energy of late and its took a lot out of us all. I would like to  talk about archangels we are familiar with archangel Michael and his power of protection and justice. I also call on archangel Michael when I need the courage to speak the truth and to be true to my self.  Archangel Raphael helps us with healing physical, emotional and mentally I have called on archangel Raphael to heal after I have given angel healing to give positive and strong love and well being.  Archangel Gabriel gives us spiritual guidance to show us the path we need to follow archangel Gabriel will guide through life's changes helping to clear negative energy and fear based decision making..  We all need that little extra help from time to time and the angels have always given this they have no other agenda no other motive but your happiness and well being we all have free spirit the power to say yes or  no the power to ask for help and the angels will help . the one thing I have learnt angels give  you want you need not necessarily want you want. Their is the most lovelyest song by Garth brooks called i thank god for unanswered prayers  and this is spot on angels know your end game so some times I just take guidance. Angels saved my parents from a drink driver and without the angel stepping in front of my dads car putting his hand on the bonet forcing my dad to stop the drunk driver  who went through a red light at speed would of killed them head on  the angel smiled at them and walked into thin air we as a family have been blessed I hope I find you all well be true to your self and your belief its what makes you you light and blessing friend xx

Sunday 31 May 2015

Food for the soul

We are all  so different we all have different needs some people are wheat intolerant others only eat fish some can't eat dairy we are all different and that's why our souls need different love some believe in angels others believe in religious beliefs we all need to  except exexcept what may be right for one soul is not right for another no one should tell you what you believe in is right or wrong our souls just need different food to make them grow.this is the same for our life lessons have you ever noticed some people just go through life with ease just getting it or some children naturally take the next step in their development without being shown its like they have been here before they already know my daughter grace is just like this she's an old soul the words she uses and the way she speaks its like watching an old lady when your soul has had many journeys it has many life lessons an experience to call on. Now my other daughter ruby is a new soul she trys so hard in all she does nothing comes easy and the world seems a strange place she has a new soul with not a lot of experience to call on she is funny and flighty she's going to make  lots of mistakes in life and will learn as. She goes because she needs to learn for her souls next are you a new or old soul each experience we have we bank we learn nothing is wasted we learn all the time so its important to be true to your self their your lessons call on your angels to help you guide you on your path make lessons more easy to understand and I no life's not always a bed of roses  but to understand takes away fear.    We all have Guardian angels these we're given  to us on our birth we all have one that little angel that sits on on your shoulder guiding listening to you they are with you always remember them their your best friend ask for help when you need  it be kind to your self fort we are all here together going through the same lessons making the same mistakes . I have had an amazing week lots of readings and helping others so I hope I find you all well  love and light xxxx

Wednesday 27 May 2015

What a week so far

What a week

What a week

I have had a very busy week already with two readings and the kids off school but have felt very humbled that I helped my clients . one lovely lady had a spirit attachment and it was completely changing her and having such an impact on her every day life as I talked with her I could see the spirit coming through and she felt it also we grounded her and I told the spirit he could come to me we both got very emotional but the change in my client was instant she held her self up could look me in the eye and she felt at ease . I was so pleased for her and now hope she can go forward . and as for Jim the spirit he just got a little lost and now passed I always cry when this happens just to feel the realese.                               This leads me on to being aware of your body noticing changes in your self reacting different to people . when we learn to listen  to our bodies we can tune in to what we need . our body mind and spirit while we are on this earth are one the more you detach the three the more you will have a inner battle it is so important in this day an age to build a better relationship with ourselves . we can physically feel our emotions when we are full of negative thoughts and anxiety we feel headaches sickness and in turn when we feel good and give positive thoughts to ourselves we create  endorphins the feel good factor a natural high, so be kind to yourself eat well to feed your body clear your mind of clutter focus on positive intent give your inner spirit food to in payer or whatever feels right for  you we are to hard on ourselves.                                                                                                                Your body is a spiritual tool be kind to it look after it  like you would any other tool you use ..... Ask for angel guide on this ask the Angeles to show you if you need to work on blanace. Remember your angels are always their talk to them. As always my friends keep well and light and blessing to you all xxxxx

Sunday 24 May 2015

angel radio

I have a very strong thought that we can hear and speak with angels each and every one of us its just that some of us can tune in more easy than others and this is how i describe it to people that ask how do i speak and listen to angels and listen to spirit i can tune in to different stations its took time and understanding and the most lovely thing is there is no right or wrong just be truthfull. so have a go at tuning in remember the balancing exercise of last week and just listen a lot of the time angels will give messages in dreams if this happens keep a note pad by the bed right down your dreams also ask the angels to give you messages in your dreams.                                                                                                                                                       when you start opening up to angels or spirit you are also opening up to other not so nice energy so it is very important to protect your self when i work i ask arch angel micheal to give me his shield of truth to give me protection i also use the bird cage i place myself inside the cage and set each bar on fire making it completely impossible to get to me i also have total trust in angel protection and in my own abilities as i have been doing this for all my adult life and so does my mother and did my grandmother so its all i know and to our family normal .you can also use protection like this in your every day life if your not comfortable with some one close to you shields up . if your in a shopping cue you can feel if some ones not quiet as they seem behinde you again use you own inner voice listen. start getting used to seeing things in a different way and when you do you can use these skills to help in your daily life. we all have auras some have large wide reaching ones others have tiny ones if you rub your hands together then slowly cup them pulling them apart inside you will feel a ball of energy this is aura.                                                                                                                                       the more you pratise the better you will get at listen to angels we all have some thing we are good at some are painters while others are builders but some of us are good at helpling people understand the soul and our hearts need painting and building up i would give free readings help all kinds of people for free untill some said to me well i pay for the window cleaner my food petrol car and you have a service i need so whats the difference i still find it hard and uncomfortable but true.         on a lighter note my husband brought me a tablet today and now the kids are in bed i will see if i can work it out and will be able to say hello to people so light and love to you all and thanks for reading mail me if you need help blessings

Wednesday 20 May 2015

self fulfilling prophecy mindfullness talking

self belief is all standing tall feeling confident with self and the world but for many including myself this does not come easy we all take on others opinion and take it to our hearts but when we receive the same negative message over and over again in time those negative opinions become true to us and our personalities start to change for example if you tell a child they a bad all the time your prophecy of that child will become  as the child hears the negative the belief that negative starts to become the childs truth and they act accordingly. so do we think what we say to each other are we mindfull of how powerfull our words are how we make others feel and think. Angels only want the best for you so you stay on your path when you speak to your loved ones or are asked to give advise stop and ask for angel words to help to give good strong advise.  I  would like to take you through a grounding and balancing exercise                                                                                                                                         Find some where quiet and safe for you make this your time dim lights turn off the tv  and phone sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor or you can do this outside let your feet conect with the earth.                                                                                                                                                                 Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing making it comfortable for you slow each set of breathing down feel  your self breath how your body starts to relax.                                                                Now draw attention to the souls of your feet imagaine roots growing out of them pushing down and spreading out into the earth.                                                                                                                        feel the roots getting sronger pushing down into soil rock pushing away heavy rocks moving deeper into the eath reaching down till you get to the centre wrap these roots into a ball hood on to the earth feel your self safe grounded you can stay here as long as you like now pass through the roots negative thoughts feelings any thing you dont want to hang on to .                                                        When you are ready feel the earth giving you balance strength pass this back through the roots in to you again take your time you are safe.                                                                                                             Now slow bring the roots back up through rock through soil listen to your breathing again when you are ready slowly open your eyes.                                                                                                       I have used this over and over again not only for self but in work shops so enjoy this time for self. i am hoping to get my new tablet next week so hopefully i can get in touch with people thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading light and love to all

Sunday 17 May 2015

what a learning curve

in the last few weeks i have learnt so much about my myself who i am and what i am ment to be doing i have had to my mind the most amazing responses from people thank you  when i talk about angels and mindfullness work i am at peace happy i know this is what i need to do. i have learnt how ever i really do need to under stand the world of tech and the web to which i am not good at and know matter how hard i try i just dont get it none of it its took me weeks to learn to blogg and so in this i asked the angels  the response as always was very clear GET HELP was shouted to me. its true we all need help and asking for it is hard a sign of weakness some my say but i have the opposite i asked a friend for help she going to take me tablet shopping to up date she says laughing at me and not understanding skype at all so we get talking and i find i can help her out with a reading with angel help for her and her family just by talking opening up being honest asking for help when we need it the reponse you get back might just surprise you.i talked about the other week how my 3 year old grace had had lots of troubles with dreams people that had passed talking to her so for the last couple of weeks at bed time i have quietly asked Arch angel Micheal to guard the windows and doors to watch over the girls while they sleep to give them protection i have also asked the spirits to give her time and space and slow things down also angel love from all angels i white saged the girls bedroom its working and grace is getting the peace she needs i have asked for help most days this last week things have been full on car parking angels for mother and child spaces has been a send this week Next time i want to do some angel exercises with you all its from a work shop i wrote in 2006 so untill then email me its all i have at the moment i am sorry but i am working on it i will lways try and help may love and blessing be with you and your loved ones x

Monday 11 May 2015

what are you worth?

the reason I ask this is we all have self douts moments were we question. our actions our looks our life our reason for being. The law of attraction helps us answer so many questions we put out what we get back but angels want the best for us for us to for fill our wishes our dreams, I will use myself  and what I went through to explain this law. For many years I was in a nasty abusive marriage being hurt physical and mentally on so many levels and so i started to believe that i was so bad thats why i was given this marriage. so the more i believed and my behaviour changed the more i was openly putting out in the universe that this is what i am worth. Now at that time to me this was true and the more my life felt it was going down hill the more it did . At this time the angels came back to me little by little by self worth mt way of thinking changed and so did the things around me putting out to the universe i did deserve and i was a good person, i found i could leave the marriage find happiness for self so the more happiness i felf the more i was projecting out. If you look at this law it always works people say money attracts money and hes so cocky he always comes out smelling of roses. take time to feel and think what messages are you putting out there because what you put out you will get back ask the angels for help strength to make changes angels have love for you fell that love put it out in the universe to receive back be mindfull of who you are how you treat others your angels only ever want the best for you remember that they have guided me and saved me so many times in my life and now i am lucky enough to give readings to others to pass on these leasons so i know i didnt go through it for no reason. love and light to you all as always ask and listen the angels are talking x

Sunday 26 April 2015


getting used to how negative thoughts can go on to impacted you even when you have moved on or away from negative people or situations is a turning point by using the cleanse and clear method and even using white sage to burn using the smoke to push out negative spirit. so what you remove you must put back filling your room or house with things that make you happy or mindfull take time to add things that mean something to you its about you whats right for you empower your also need to cut cords , cords are made between people just think of ropes leading to everyone you have loved but what happens if you no longer chose that love you still have a cord that rope that pulls you towards that person ask Arch Angel Micheal to cut those cords to be free of the bond be strong in what you chose for your self I speak from the heart on this as i always do ask for help from the angels your not alone This also frees you give your soul room to make new bonds new cords. We can all do more than we think just ask for a little help. I am asking for help at the moment for my 3 year old grace she is having dreams and starting to hear and see spirit asking angels to slow things down for her she is only a baby but like her mum, nan and greatnan we are blessed . light and blessings to you all please contact by email i will always help .x

Sunday 19 April 2015

pushing away negative thoughts and mind

I would like to talk about negative ways and how easy it is to let it wash over you we all have thoughts and feelings that are fear based and that breeds negative ways.One thing that I have found is when you let the angels in you soon understand your no longer alone in fact you have a whole army of love and support behinde you . remember angels need your ok to work on your behalf. clean away have a massive clean in your home get fresh air in clean out things you havent used in over a year . I worked with a lady who found it diffcult to move on after her mairrage broke down. she would always go to her room to cry be angry and feel mad and mad about herself. she could not find peace at night it had been over a year. this lady had spent all that time filling her bedroom with negative thoughts and feelings that had grown it made her bedroom heavy we cleaned it every coner got rid of rubbish washed cutains ect gave the room new energy and so asking the angels to help and watch over her new peace its that easy give it a go light and love please mail me will alwys help xxx

Tuesday 14 April 2015

a different way of thinking

mindfullness is being in the moment just being good ,bad, happy in pain just being my 18 month old does it so well i watched her eating her dinner she was tasting her food looking at it touching it nothing eles was important she was in the moment thats true mindfullness. I did the same when I was doing an angel reading be in the moment connect to angels give them a clear path way to you listen to their guidnce . mindfullness is a new word for a old way of thinking we all need quiet time in our lives time to self having angels in my and my families life is up lifting its good to know their on your side but if you ask for help as i do from car parking spaces to major things angels will give you what you need not always what you  want . look around you for signs of angels we ALL ways find pennies whenever we go out so do the kids  give angel help a try ask for help and listen . be in the moment enjoy there company each of us are always two steps ahead of ourselves whats for dinner kids need this take the dog out I know I have 5 kids a dog and a hubby pluss 4 step daughters and i need ALL the help I can get x

Wednesday 1 April 2015


my name is angela i have been working with angels all my life and have started using many of us truly do what we are doing we are never in the moment always two steps ahead thinking what eles needs to be done working with angels in our every day life i want to share hlow much of a life changing and productive life we can all lead with just a little angel help