Sunday, 28 June 2015

Knowing what's right

We are all so different like I said before  what's right for me and my soul may not be right for you and that's OK ! Angels give me peace ,strength and a inner wisdom but you will know when you have found what you soul needs when you have a thirst for knowledge. When I was younger I read so many angel books found that angels are in most religious beliefs and many others in fact angels are one of the few things we all have in comman and go as far back as the earliest texts and paintings I truly couldn't get enough it felt like I  needed to know and it felt completely natural to me , so when you find something what ever it is that makes you feel  complete have the courage and strength to stay with it .   when I was doing readings for myself and family over 12 months ago I kept pulling out  writing cards which at the time made me giggle because it was something I never thought of doing  putting pen to paper and writing about my angel work but as always they had a plan for me I had a new born and a toddler and going out to work was getting harder to guggle  so I  went back over the work I had done and started to share it by blogg in April this year and not only have I enjoyed it I ve met some truly fantastic people on the way so once again thank you for reading and it still blows me away that people all over the world can read this  so my tablet has become my new spiritual tool . I hope to reach as many people as I can and empower and help people to  be true to self because when you are there is a inner peace you just can't buy !!   I felt the energy go from the harsh prickly to a feeling of doing a positive more up bet energy so I have done a small reading and we have a strong female energy this week so ladies it's your time to come forward  be in touch with the females of your family stand a little taller this week and pass on the  love by way of simple acts of kindness  I hope I find you all well light and love to you all. I have put up two pictures of myself doing readings  a kind gentleman took the photographs for me using a aura camera  please take a look   thank you for reading. Xx ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

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