Sunday 31 May 2015

Food for the soul

We are all  so different we all have different needs some people are wheat intolerant others only eat fish some can't eat dairy we are all different and that's why our souls need different love some believe in angels others believe in religious beliefs we all need to  except exexcept what may be right for one soul is not right for another no one should tell you what you believe in is right or wrong our souls just need different food to make them grow.this is the same for our life lessons have you ever noticed some people just go through life with ease just getting it or some children naturally take the next step in their development without being shown its like they have been here before they already know my daughter grace is just like this she's an old soul the words she uses and the way she speaks its like watching an old lady when your soul has had many journeys it has many life lessons an experience to call on. Now my other daughter ruby is a new soul she trys so hard in all she does nothing comes easy and the world seems a strange place she has a new soul with not a lot of experience to call on she is funny and flighty she's going to make  lots of mistakes in life and will learn as. She goes because she needs to learn for her souls next are you a new or old soul each experience we have we bank we learn nothing is wasted we learn all the time so its important to be true to your self their your lessons call on your angels to help you guide you on your path make lessons more easy to understand and I no life's not always a bed of roses  but to understand takes away fear.    We all have Guardian angels these we're given  to us on our birth we all have one that little angel that sits on on your shoulder guiding listening to you they are with you always remember them their your best friend ask for help when you need  it be kind to your self fort we are all here together going through the same lessons making the same mistakes . I have had an amazing week lots of readings and helping others so I hope I find you all well  love and light xxxx

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