Sunday, 7 June 2015

Listen to your little voice

I have had so much happen in my family this week its been truly maniac and I have needed so much help and surport not a lot has gone to plan and the more I have tried the more it's gone wrong but in all the chaos of kids and going to appointments all week on Saturday tensions were really rising I could feel the energy becoming to  harsh and as we were heading off that night to a very special family party I knew I needed to stop and call in angel help and guidance but as soon as I am thinking this another family emergency happens and in the middle of it all I suddenly felt     stop.  Stop the feeling was so strong I couldn't carry on  I stopped and listened the angels told me to focus slow down and look the message was so clear and so right and true I was running around not focusing on what needed to be done later that night I was getting ready for the party when I laughed to my self how many times have I told clients to stop listen slow down I had not listened to that little voice all week  kept on going until to be honest  I got what felt like a telling off. I must remember to practice what I preach . the family party was great meeting my husband's family from Texas and Florida .. Saying no is also OK there has been lots of energy vampires laterly those people who when your around them you can feel your energy levels drain away you  leave with no energy and they are full  and can't wait to see you again I think we all have people like that at some stage in our lives so remember your protection their are different energy vampires love those who keep you in a abusive relationship power vampires those that belittle you constantly and fear those that say be with me or else .  I will have a calling in of angel help and guidance  before the week so I hope I find you all well love to  love to you all and be true to your self and your belief xxx

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