Saturday 11 July 2015

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot: Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I...

Wednesday 8 July 2015

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot: Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I...

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot

angel mindfullness: Auto pilot: Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I...

Auto pilot

Hello again my blogging family its been a busy week again and trying to find time for self has been tough grabbing 5 mins here and there , I always go to sleep on a positive and I encourage my children to do the same so the last thing you think as you difft to sleep is a sense of OK and feel good , its helped for a good nights sleep all round . but it was when I was falling to sleep an angel said the words autopilot!! I asked for guidance on this but deep down inside I knew what the angel sent , I had spent the day on autopilot just doing not really thinking about things not experiencing the day  so in my 5 mins today I tried to go over yesterday what happened what did I miss out on  well lots as it happened  youngest going on the potty for the first time Harrison getting a truly outstanding school report , grace making cakes at play group all them things and more I sized through because I was so busy. But all them experiences that moment in time has know gone .  my angel was reminding me to Savior lives experience's because there one offs never to be repeated so enjoy breath it in tell those around you how they made you feel and as some who has only had the all clear on the cancer front for the last 4 months don't miss a thing you never know .. We need sometimes to go back to basics enjoying the more simple things in life  so ask your self what makes you happy what gives you joy we all need to look after ourselves physically, emotionally and  spiritually  the very best way I have found to connect all 3 is go back to nature  walk feel the outside the weather smell touch talk to your family all just be with each other or if you want alone for you time plant a little flower watch it grow talk to it feed it , now I know I am sounding all hippy here but the truth is they were on to something did you ever see an unhappy hippy 😊  its so hard to strike a balance and its the one thing we all try and do but getting your self run down is not the answer I always say to my lot happy mummy happy kiddies. be kind to your self we are all worth a pat on the back ask your angels for guidance remember they are  just waiting for you   so again I ask the angels for a card for you all and the card find your blessings in your situation comes up I love it when the connection is so strong we still have our doing energy that's moving into positive assertiveness so be strong and true do you need to speak your mind or get your point of view across ask archangel Michael for his truth and courage may you all have blessing love and light and again Thank You 😇😇😇

Tuesday 7 July 2015

angel mindfullness: Thank you

angel mindfullness: Thank you: Love blogging and sharing my angel experience's and work so thank you for reading and taking the time ������

Thank you

Love blogging and sharing my angel experience's and work so thank you for reading and taking the time 😇😇💖

Sunday 5 July 2015

Never judge a book by it's cover

Well I haven't had a little rant for a while but something really both surprised me and disappointed me at the same time. I was told I didn't look like the type of lady to give angel readings let alone work with them , so what I thought am I mentioned to look like , the client went on to say he expected me to give a reading dressed in a long wavy skirt hoopy earings well I didn't know if I was angry or found it funny but the way I looked directly impacted on if he thought I was genuine or not. Just to put you in the picture I was wearing smart trousers and a top but it did get me thinking what do we expect people to look like  I was always thought never to judge a book by it's cover but do we really do that ,  I went on to give my reading and  the client told me he was so happy and pleased with the reading but still questioned the way I looked to the gift I have  so I also learnt  people  do judge on dress , money , were you live everything none of us like to be judged so don't do the judging , today with this in mind I popped into town early in the door way was an elderly gentleman who was homeless in that second the words don't judge was given to me , I had a chat with the gentleman he had,had a home family and lost it all  I brought the gentleman breakfast. Lesson learnt.   I have been asked about guardian angels  an angel is given to us on the date of our birth this angel is with you on your life jounery gently guiding  if you want to call in your guardian angel say your full name and date of birth  look for the signs given after don't get caught up if it doesn't work straight away it will relax give it time and be ready to receive also allow yourself to receive . last time I talked about this strong female energy and the doing feeling  I did a small mediation on today's blog  the message was. Be happy now don't wait for a right time to start be happy now find the positive and build on it ask the angels to help you to either move on but it is so true money can't buy you happiness be happy find the good if you can't find it crate it  we still have the doing busy energy so let's work on that be strong and be true may you all have blessings and thank you for reading my friends 😇😇

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Wow did you see that

I've had some amazing personall experiences this week beautiful colours every so often seeing arch's of colours . when I've been working or asking for guidance I've had these flashes of colours so I've started to work with these colours and I am learning that when I am asking arch angel Michael for guidance the arch goes blue into dark blue and after  short mediations I am understanding the colours come before the angel vist its like they come through the colours its truly amazing and has given me a stronger connection and I feel so humbled and a new drive to help others .  I also love reading all about other people's spiritual experience's I've been reading lots of bloggs and there seems to be more and more deep personal experiences happening all over the world a real move towards a new way of living life or just going back to a more simple time remember all things happen for a reason . thinking positive is not always easy and negative thoughts slip to easy into our lives but I have a little trick that I try to do I have my compassionate other , my little angel I ask when I need to make a decision you can chose who ever you what as your compassionate other but you know me and angels , ask your other what advice would you give yourself be kind to your self your stronger than you think  be kinder to your self give yourself kind words kind love .  I have drawn the peace card so many times this wîeek choosing a peace way of living and detaching from unnecessary drama  we are still in a busy doing energy so make and do this week   I would just like to say a heart felt rest in peace to all those that have  suffered from atrocities this week .. As always my dear friends thank you for reading light love and blessings be with you and your families 😇😇😇