Sunday, 26 April 2015


getting used to how negative thoughts can go on to impacted you even when you have moved on or away from negative people or situations is a turning point by using the cleanse and clear method and even using white sage to burn using the smoke to push out negative spirit. so what you remove you must put back filling your room or house with things that make you happy or mindfull take time to add things that mean something to you its about you whats right for you empower your also need to cut cords , cords are made between people just think of ropes leading to everyone you have loved but what happens if you no longer chose that love you still have a cord that rope that pulls you towards that person ask Arch Angel Micheal to cut those cords to be free of the bond be strong in what you chose for your self I speak from the heart on this as i always do ask for help from the angels your not alone This also frees you give your soul room to make new bonds new cords. We can all do more than we think just ask for a little help. I am asking for help at the moment for my 3 year old grace she is having dreams and starting to hear and see spirit asking angels to slow things down for her she is only a baby but like her mum, nan and greatnan we are blessed . light and blessings to you all please contact by email i will always help .x

Sunday, 19 April 2015

pushing away negative thoughts and mind

I would like to talk about negative ways and how easy it is to let it wash over you we all have thoughts and feelings that are fear based and that breeds negative ways.One thing that I have found is when you let the angels in you soon understand your no longer alone in fact you have a whole army of love and support behinde you . remember angels need your ok to work on your behalf. clean away have a massive clean in your home get fresh air in clean out things you havent used in over a year . I worked with a lady who found it diffcult to move on after her mairrage broke down. she would always go to her room to cry be angry and feel mad and mad about herself. she could not find peace at night it had been over a year. this lady had spent all that time filling her bedroom with negative thoughts and feelings that had grown it made her bedroom heavy we cleaned it every coner got rid of rubbish washed cutains ect gave the room new energy and so asking the angels to help and watch over her new peace its that easy give it a go light and love please mail me will alwys help xxx

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

a different way of thinking

mindfullness is being in the moment just being good ,bad, happy in pain just being my 18 month old does it so well i watched her eating her dinner she was tasting her food looking at it touching it nothing eles was important she was in the moment thats true mindfullness. I did the same when I was doing an angel reading be in the moment connect to angels give them a clear path way to you listen to their guidnce . mindfullness is a new word for a old way of thinking we all need quiet time in our lives time to self having angels in my and my families life is up lifting its good to know their on your side but if you ask for help as i do from car parking spaces to major things angels will give you what you need not always what you  want . look around you for signs of angels we ALL ways find pennies whenever we go out so do the kids  give angel help a try ask for help and listen . be in the moment enjoy there company each of us are always two steps ahead of ourselves whats for dinner kids need this take the dog out I know I have 5 kids a dog and a hubby pluss 4 step daughters and i need ALL the help I can get x

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


my name is angela i have been working with angels all my life and have started using many of us truly do what we are doing we are never in the moment always two steps ahead thinking what eles needs to be done working with angels in our every day life i want to share hlow much of a life changing and productive life we can all lead with just a little angel help